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Together, we’re tackling health costs

Optum Financial is pleased to be the benefits account administrator for the Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds.

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Health benefit accounts

Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds (ETF) offers multiple tax-advantaged accounts

Explore the variety of account types below and learn how they can help you make informed choices for your health and your life.

Start saving smarter for life

Health savings accounts (HSAs)

Your HSA is ready when you need it. Whether it’s refills today or health costs down the road, you’re saving smart with an HSA.

Make your money go further

Flexible spending accounts (FSAs)

An FSA lets you use pretax funds for health and care costs for you and your family. You save on every dollar you put into your FSA.

Dependent day care flexible spending accounts (DCFSA)

A dependent care flexible spending account (DCFSA) can help you put aside dollars, income tax-free, for the care of children under the age of 13 or for dependent adults who can’t care for themselves.

Heading to work?

Commuter benefits

Save on the cost of commuting to work by paying with pretax money.

 2024 Contribution Limit
2025 Contribution LimitCarryover Limit
Health Care/Limited Purpose FSA2024 Contribution Limit $3,050 per year2025 Contribution Limit$3,200 per yearCarryover Limit

2024: $610*

2025: $640

Dependent Day Care Account2024 Contribution Limit $5,000 per year2025 Contribution Limit$5,000 per yearCarryover Limit $0; no money carries over


Health Savings Account


2024 Contribution Limit

$4,150 per year for individual coverage

$8,300 per year for family coverage

Annual Catch-Up Contribution Limit: (Age 55-65 only) $1,000

2025 Contribution Limit

$4,300 per year for individual coverage

$8,550 per year for family coverage

Annual Catch-Up Contribution Limit: (Age 55-65 only) $1,000

Carryover Limit Unlimited; all money carries over
Transit Account2024 Contribution Limit $300 per month2025 Contribution Limit$315 per monthCarryover Limit Unlimited; all money carries over
Parking Account2024 Contribution Limit $300 per month2025 Contribution Limit$315 per monthCarryover Limit Unlimited; all money carries over

*To automatically receive the balance carryover for FSAs, Parking Account, and Transit Account, you must have a balance of $50+ in your account on December 31, 2023 (or by the end of the run-out period), and no enrollment is required for 2024. Any balance less than $50 by the end of the run-out period requires a new election for the funds to be carried over. If there is not a new election made for remaining fund less than $50, the fund will be subject to forfeiture.

Claims resource center

Please note, payment cards will not be re-issued for 2025 IYC open enrollment.

At the close of the plan year, any amounts remaining in a Health Care FSA or LPFSA in excess of $640, and any amounts remaining in a Dependent Day Care Account, will be forfeited in accordance with current Plan provisions and tax laws.

Helpful links

Use your health account dollars wisely

Use our tools to help you save, pay and invest for your health care from now into retirement.

HSA calculator

Find contribution details and how savings may grow over time.

Retirement checkup

Estimate your health care costs during retirement so you can be prepared.

Qualified expenses

Use our qualified medical expense search tool to find out what expenses qualify.

FSA calculator

See how much you can save on eligible health and day care expenses.

Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds (ETF)

As part of the Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds (ETF) unsubstantiated claims recovery process, Health Care Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) and Limited Purpose FSA participants with unsubstantiated claims between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024 will have funds recovered via payroll withholding during February and March 2025, if possible.

Please visit the forms page as you look to substantiate your claims.

Customer support

Our customer support center is available for assistance 24/7 at 1-833-881-8158 or

*Savings compares using pretax income in your health benefit account (HSA, FSA) to using after-tax income for purchases and assumes a 30% combined tax rate from all applicable federal, state and FICA taxes. Results and amount will vary depending on your circumstances.

The Optum Store is an affiliate of the RVOHealth families of companies.